
Customer Satisfaction Survey

We rely on your feedback for the continuous improvement and risk reduction of our products.

If you answer a question with "no", we would appreciate further details in the comments section.

Which product do you obtain from us??

      Yes No N/A
1. Was the product used without negatively affecting the health of the patient or user? (e.g., skin irritation, infection, etc.)
2. Was the application carried out without risks or side effects?
3. Was the product effective and safe throughout the entire period of use?
4. Was the product used according to its intended purpose, and did it fulfill this purpose?
5. Was the safety of the patient and user ensured throughout the entire application?
6. Were the properties of the product satisfactory during the entire use?
  Mechanical properties (strength, break resistance, etc.)
  Processing parameters (processing times, viscosity, etc.)
  Aesthetic properties (color, surface quality, etc.)
  Precision or fit
7. Were residues, abrasion, or material changes on the product minimal?
8. Did the product only come into contact with intact skin?
9. Is the user manual suitable for error-free application?
10. Was the primary packaging suitable for the application?
  Yes No not applicable
11. Could chewing function/speech ability be maintained or restored?
12. Could the treated tooth be protected from cold, heat, chemical, and mechanical stimuli?
13. Was it possible to fix the tooth position via the application or treat the malocclusion effectively?
14. Was there a good fit without pressure points?
15. Could the product be polished or repaired?
16. Could the product meet or reduce the usual time expenditure?

Note / Suggestions for improvement


No Robot

Feedback Submitted!

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Your opinion is very important to us and helps us continuously improve our service and products.
We appreciate that you took the time to share your experiences with us.

Your Dreve Team